Friday, October 07, 2011

Why Sarah Palin will still be with us

Investor's Business Daily: Palin: 5 Reasons She Will Remain Relevant

On Wednesday (10/5) I went to a private screening of "UNDEFEATED". There are so many moments in this film where you realize just what the Democrats have so rabidly and viciously gone after: a very nice, competent, and passionately conservative women of great tenacity and ability. Is it any wonder the country is in the state it's in?

Perhaps what they all hate so much is her absolute intolerance for corruption and unwillingness to back down from confrontation.

It was a pleasure to meet and hear Mr. Bannon speak before the film (he would have spoken afterwards except for having to catch a plane). In his bio below you will see that he is also a co-founder of the National Tea Party Federation. Sarah had just announced she would not run for President and he said she was aware we would all be watching this film...we were all thrilled to watch, cheered and clapped at times, and some (like me) felt a few tears welling up as we all realized what America had lost.

Hollywood Congress of Republicans: Film Screening & Q&A w/ Steve Bannon:
Stephen K. Bannon is an award-winning conservative filmmaker who has written and directed such films as; In The Face of Evil, Generation Zero, Fire From the Heartland, Battle for America and Still Point in a Turning World: Ronald Reagan and His Ranch the official film of the Reagan 100 Celebration at the Reagan Ranch Center. In addition he has executive produced The Last 600 Meters, Titus Andronicus, and The Indian Runner.

The latest film written and directed by Mr. Bannon The Undefeated premiered to critical acclaim in Pella Iowa Wednesday June 28th. The Undefeated chronicles the rise from obscurity of one of America’s new generation of leaders: Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. Taking on both the right and the left, The Undefeated takes an unflinching look at the state of discourse in contemporary American electoral politics. The Undefeated opened in limited release around the country on July 15, 2011.

KABC AM 790 Talk Radio Los Angeles recently premiered The Victory Sessions hosted by Mr. Bannon immediately following Dodger baseball every Sunday. The Victory Sessions is broadcast live nationally and focuses on Culture, Economics, Politics, and War.

Mr. Bannon is a former Surface Warfare Officer who served aboard the destroyer U.S.S. Paul F. Foster (DD964) with the Pacific Fleet. In addition, he is an honors graduate of the Harvard Business School and has a Masters Degree from Georgetown University. Mr. Bannon is a former Goldman Sachs investment banker. Mr. Bannon has been a financier and entrepreneur in the entertainment business for 25 years. He is currently the Chairman/CEO of Affinity Media.

Mr. Bannon is the co-founder of the National Tea Party Federation and has been a frequent speaker at Tea Party conventions and rallies throughout the country.

Mr. Bannon is a native of Virginia who now resides in Laguna Beach. His daughter Maureen graduated from The United States Military Academy at West Point in 2010 and is currently a Logistics Officer serving with a Combat Engineering Battalion with the 101st Airborne Division in Iraq.

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