Sunday, October 23, 2011

Unprecedented in U.S. history: 11/09/11 is final phase of Obama’s testing of his ability to seize communications in the USA at will

Obama has decided that he will confiscate ALL television and Radio broadcasts for a supposed “test” of the EAS (Emergency Alert System). Communication for both US television and Radio will be cut off on 9 November 2011 for at least 3-4 minutes. This is both unprecedented in our history and constitutes the final phase of Obama’s testing of his ability to seize communications in the USA at will. In the past, real Presidents of the USA have asked for time from the various broadcast networks when there was an emergency and they needed to speak. No more. We are now firmly in the bowels of the Obama dictatorship and said tyrant is violating each and every principle and law contained with the US Constitution.
ALERT: Final Implementation Phase of Obama Formal Dictatorship has Begun

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