Thursday, September 01, 2011

Dispensationalism: The New Christianity

He Risked his Life, His Fortune and His Sacred Honor...
To Do What’s Right
by Nancy Bonus
(Nice tribute to Nancy from Pamela Geller here.)

Glenn Beck is hated:

Many in the world hate Glenn Beck. Maybe you’re one of them.

He’s been called – a right wing extremist, a hater, a liar, a bigot, a buffoon, dangerous, an Anti-Semite, and most improbably and contradictory – a Jew-Lover. This character assassination comes from many sources, regrettably often from good people who are well meaning and want to warn others not to be taken in by him.

Unfortunately most often their negative opinions of him are based, not upon having watched and listened to full-length broadcasts of his, but upon what they’ve heard others say about him and what he supposedly stands for.

Assassinating another’s character and slandering them publically is one of the most grievous offenses one can commit against another according to Jewish scripture. Public humiliation – the act of destroying their good name, means you have killed their reputation in the eyes of others and it’s one of the most difficult offenses to overcome.

But this is what many do when they take part in repeating or agreeing with vicious slanders about Mr. Beck based upon what they’ve read online or have heard about from websites they frequent… or from magazines who paint him in the most unflattering light through doctored photos, innuendoes or partial quotes or sound-bites taken out of context.  (This is a tactic that’s been used against Jews repeatedly throughout history to turn public opinion against them…and has led to expulsions, pogroms, and attempted annihilations.)

He certainly does inspire passion from all sides. Unfortunately what passes for journalism today is not ‘just the facts.’ That went out decades ago and most journalists admit they want to promote an agenda and see that as their job.

Good people without a lot of time to do their own research believe the opinion pieces without realizing that the writers today have a strong bias or agenda they are promoting. Mr. Beck often says, “The truth has no agenda.” He encourages his listeners to “question with boldness” and to “do your own research” not believing what anyone says, even him unless you’ve checked it out from first level sources…not what someone says about another, but what that person actually said or wrote himself.

We had to be in Jerusalem at this momentous time:

My husband and I traveled to Jerusalem to take part in Glenn Beck’s – “Restoring Courage” event. I felt compelled to support this non-Jewish man who was standing up and standing by Israel and Jews in this dangerous and perilous time.

During the time we were there from August 18th to August 28th, there were three major suicide-bombing attacks against Israeli civilians and military from different points around the country. Areas that had never been targets were now on the hit list for terror.

The Arab Spring and its promise of “democracy” had brought instead chaos, agitation, and the rise of Muslim Brotherhood agitators, Hamas/Fatah partnerships, and awakening of Al Qaeda affiliates. Israel is under siege once more and the stakes are very serious.

What would have happened if Christians supported the Jews during WWII?

The burning impetus for being there was to experience and take part in a miracle - a new phenomenon in world history – the Christian love and support for Jews and for Israel. Finally at this crucial time in our history, we are not alone.

As someone who grew up experiencing many incidents of painful Anti-Semitism directed against me for no reason other than my having been born Jewish, I am awed by the love and support of our Christian brothers and sisters at this important time in history. I keep thinking to myself what a different world it would have been had we had this kind of love and support, during the Holocaust and in my childhood when I felt the sting of persecution for being a Jewish minority in a hostile, Christian land.

I’ve become active by supporting and attending events presented by various Christian organizations who not only love Israel and the Jewish people, but who do everything in their ability to show that love and support through charitable contributions, rally’s, books in support of Israel, pamphlets, educational seminars and events for which they risk everything to do the right thing…often making them targets for attack themselves.

Christians United For Israel:

I’ve heard Reverend John Hagee many times as he preached to thousands about the duty of Christians to love and support Israel. I’ve also seen countless Glenn Beck shows where he laid out the danger the Arab Spring would bring to Israel and why the western world must support her now in her hour of need.

When I tell others about the love and support many Christian movements today have for Israel I often am confronted with suspicion or cynicism. And of course, I understand why there would be mistrust, based upon centuries of Christian persecution of the Jewish people.

That’s why this new kind of Christianity, called ‘Dispensationalism’ is such a miracle and something that all Jews should thank God for and wholeheartedly embrace. John Nelson Darby, a 19th century British evangelist who is the forerunner of modern Christianity, popularized it.

This new kind of Christianity supersedes “Replacement” theology in which Christianity was said to have replaced Judaism and for that reason, there was no longer any need for Jews except those who would convert to Christianity. Unlike the bigoted Christianity that our parent’s generation faced, this brand of Christianity loves the Jewish people and quotes bible verses where God commands them to do so. They also are thankful for the Jews who gave them Jesus, Joseph, Mary, the Apostles, the patriarchs, the bible, the ten commandments, etc…In other words, without Judaism, there would be no Christianity.

This is not to say that all Christians today follow this kind of theology but the numbers who do is extremely large and growing.

Glenn Beck and Restoring Courage:

Glenn Beck is a very complex, intelligent, compassionate and courageous man. In many ways, he’s been a kind of prophet by accurately predicting world events years before they occur and warning his viewers of what is coming and to be prepared for what will be happening in the world and to all of us.

He would (and has) rejected the notion that he is any kind of prophet and would probably not appreciate my seeing him that way, but I truly feel he is a man of God that was placed on earth just at this time, to help show all of us the way to save ourselves. He believes that Israel is the cornerstone for Western Civilization and believes that, if Israel were to fall, the Western countries would be close behind, including America.

He predicted the Arab Spring before it occurred and told of what would happen if it came to pass. He showed with maps and diagrams how the various countries would threaten Israel and even used the phrase that “Israel is being set up.”

In promoting his “Restoring Courage” event, he often spoke about the courageous reverend, Dietrich Bonhoeffer whose life greatly impacted Glenn’s own. Bonhoeffer was hunted down and tortured by the Nazi’s for speaking out against their evil. Even when they imprisoned him and tortured him and prohibited him from writing and getting the word out, he didn’t stop and found ways to sneak his words out of the prisons in an attempt to rally support for fighting against the evil of Nazism. He was executed by hanging by the Nazis when he was only in his early 30’s, right before the end of the war.

Glenn often quoted Bonhoeffer as a guiding light for right action in the face of evil: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Glenn said on many shows, “I stand with Israel and the Jewish People. If you must come for someone, come for me.”

This courageous man who stands with Israel and the Jewish people has been an inspiration throughout the world. In a Gallup Poll last year, Americans said they admired Glenn Beck more than the Pope; more than Billy Graham, or Bill Gates, Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush – and he came in a close second to Nelson Mandella. So it’s pretty obvious he didn’t do this for fame.

It also took a lot of his own money to make this happen. One article said he was around $1million in the hole in order to put on these events (after the three events in Israel, he took the show to South Africa – to show that Israel is NOT and never has been an Apartheid state…to South America, with the same message – the necessity of standing for good over evil – supporting Israel and he’ll finish up with a huge rally in Texas.) He didn’t do this for fortune.

He did it because it’s the right thing to do and he has the clout and recognition to bring attention to this issue. He is highly principled and as a recovering Alcoholic, follows the steps laid out as part of that recovery – and he obviously takes them seriously.

So did he achieve his goals of imparting the importance for each of us to do the right thing and to stand up for good over evil no matter the price? I know for myself and for thousands of others, he certainly did.

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