Sunday, August 28, 2011

Obama Justice Department secretly agrees to end investigation into international Islamic financial network with ties to Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Prince

Thank God Republicans have a majority in the House!
The secrecy of the deal has prompted interest in Congress. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.), chairman of the House appropriations subcommittee that oversees the Justice Department budget and author of legislation that created the National Commission on Terrorism in the 1990s, told Main Justice he planned to ask the department next week to release the documents. . .
Remember Obama bowing to the Saudi King?
While the department is staying mum on the settlement, the company at issue is linked to the royal family in Saudi Arabia, a powerful U.S. ally. It is a subsidiary of Dar Al-Maal Al-Islami Trust, known as DMI Trust, which was founded by Saudi prince Mohammed Al-Faisal Al-Saud.
Everything is screwed up in the Obama administration.
The settlement was negotiated by the Justice Department’s Tax Division, which has been without a confirmed director since the start of the Barack Obama administration.
Read the whole thing

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