Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Who is Satan?

"Progressive" Islam
Kamal Saleem
Thursday, May 26, 2011

What is progressive Islam? Many of us know nothing about this rapidly growing religion. In this video, Kamal Saleem, a former Muslim, explains details and practices of progressive Islam. Essentially, progressive Islam is a reflection of how the Arabs lived before Islam actually existed. Kamal draws frightening parallels between the symbol of the “falling star,” or Satan, and how this symbol is exalted in the Muslim faith. Kamal also details the three levels of Jihad (political, financial, and the sword, or war), and explains the reality that the goal of Jihad is to infiltrate America, and then declare war.
Is Shariah Law Taking Over the World?
Michael J. Del Rosso
Kamal Saleem
Thursday, May 26, 2011

In this special video for the Oak Initiative, Kamal Saleem speaks about Shariah Law and how it is taking over the world. Shariah Law is the constitution of Islam, and dictates every move a Muslim should make throughout their life. Kamal also speaks about the three levels of Jihad, or “Holy War” – political, financial, and the sword, or war. Kamal goes into detail about many of the cruelties included in the Shariah Law, including honor killing, which claimed the lives of 6,000 women last year. Shariah Law is even being carried out in the United States, yet one would never hear about it in the media. In America, our constitution desires that we live in peace with every nation, but when you look at the doctrine of Islam, it fights this basic desire. We are enabling Shariah Law on our own land and our watch if we do not stand up for the truth.

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