Monday, July 25, 2011

Cover up: TWA Flight 800 and the Clinton Connection - UPDATED 11/12/13


John Macidull weighs in with his investigative past (NTSB and then the FAA where we know he was associated with the Challenger Loss). His work on the investigation into the Challenger and subsequent Columbia loss is reflected in his book, Challenger's Shadow: Did Government and Industry Management Kill Seven Astronauts?
. Unknown to many, he also did some work for the Italians concerning the mysterious disappearance of an Airliner within missile range of Libya.

© November 12, 2013 [Reprinted here with permission of the author.]

John Macidull revised (from 2011) statement to a friend on TWA 800:

As you know, I've investigated aircraft accidents for many years including at the highest of U.S. and foreign government levels. My evaluation to date of TWA 800 includes and addresses this discipline with a focus on the purpose of virtually all investigations. This is, "To prevent future similar occurrences." Simply burying the dead may be the extent of what other cultures do. It is not the extent and limit that a vibrant, life-enhancing culture like the United States of America. We want to prevent the same tragedy from happening again. In order to do this we have to start with the "what", the facts. TWA-800 is also of primarily importance because its investigation was conducted as the first blatant, open, and public ‘official’ violation by our Government of our Constitution.  
What happened? What hard data, wreckage, material, forensic, and human data is available and obtainable. The "Who" and "Why" questions follow the facts. It is easy to get sidetracked into small innuendo, opinion, and areas of blame before all the facts are in. And, though it is often in human nature to be more subjective that objective, it is also important to realize during the process of gathering the 'what' information that some opinions, observations, and especially obfuscations relative to fact finding are facts in and of themselves.

For example, during this investigation I asked an FBI agent about the then 120 eyewitnesses according to the news on TWA 800. Specifically, I asked where the FBI witness sight vector trajectory report of what they had seen was. He said that the FBI determined that only 32 of the 120 witnesses were considered to be credible, and thus there were not enough for an analysis. I then asked for the FBI's criteria for witness credibility and the determining number required to establish this credibility. Basically I was asking if the FBI had any idea what they were doing. Though none of this information was provided, this was a fact that answered the next obvious question, which was why the FBI was 'in charge' of the investigation in the first place?

Historically, and in practice up until TWA 800, every accident aircraft and relative documents of record in the United States were physically 'owned' by the NTSB when it hit the ground or water for the purpose of accident investigation. Only the NTSB determined when or if nature, mechanical failure, or human error were causes and contributing factors to the accident, or if acts of terrorism and sabotage were otherwise the cause. From the beginning, the TWA accident investigation was conducted, with the 'help' of the NTSB by the FBI. They, the FBI, determined what witnesses were credible, and controlled all eyewitness account information. Original primary and secondary radar and satellite information were never a matter of public record. Naval records were not made public in any form. At the same time, the NTSB was publicly kept aboard the FBI investigation process to add credibility to what the cause of the accident may have been, but with a focus away from terrorism or sabotage. The obvious evidence, however, that the tragedy was not an accident as proclaimed was the fact that none of the operational 1500 B-747 aircraft in the world were grounded for inspection to possibly prevent a similar tragedy.   

Initial physical facts of the 'what’ of TWA 800: (There is some opinion here of what things ‘looked like’ based on my Naval experience with many types of missiles, and as a pilot.) At night, a minimum of 120 eyewitnesses on the ground, on the water, and in the air saw all or parts of a sequence of events at the same time that took place in the air. Individually and collectively they saw a stream or beam of light nearly as long as a normal full moon is wide. They saw this stream of light rise from near the surface of the ocean water to a place higher up in the sky. This light stream ended at an observed place in the sky where a fireball instantly occupied that same ending place in the sky. Wreckage and passengers of TWA 800 were subsequently found on the ocean surface and ocean floor directly under where this fireball was reported to have been, through unofficial witness time and triangulation calculations based on the few accounts short-lived on the news. These eyewitness accounts are identical to that of seeing any flame-gas propelled rocket or missile that is guided toward an airborne object. These eyewitness accounts are also identical to any airborne object exploding as a result of the detonation of explosive material inside or near it. Physical evidence of recovered, identified parts of the TWA 800 aircraft were of the aircraft in several pieces. The positions of many of these pieces on the ocean floor were pieces that did not become pieces after impact with the ocean. They became pieces while TWA 800 was in the air, and were spread on the ocean floor farther apart from previously connected pieces than was possible with ocean currents or drift during the time before recovery. 

Fact: The FBI had no legal authority, nor was it equipped to investigate airline accidents in United States.

Fact: The Independent Safety Board Act, 1974 (Public Law 93-633) gave the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) aircraft accident investigative authority over all other Government organizations, and is mandated by law in the performance of this function as being "totally separate and independent from any other department, bureau, commission, or agency of the United States."

Fact: Surface-to-Air and Air-to-Air guided missiles have proximity fuses, contact fuses, post penetration fuses, or a combination thereof. To publicly state that metallurgical analysis proved an internal explosion from the central fuel tank area does not eliminate the obvious possibility of a normal post penetration fuse activation prior to an explosion. What it does say is that there was no missile expert involved in the forensic analysis of wreckage, nor any metallurgical analysis of metal bending first in then out from the fuselage area as would happen with a post penetration fused missile. Nor was there any information on what kind of surface-to-air missiles were in the area at the time.

Fact: No publicly known amount of monetary survivor compensation: Who has the money for such things? The FAA. The Navy? TWA 800 was built by Boeing. Boeing has a 'blanket' insurance program for survivor compensation regardless of fault. Who can be sued? The same type policy was enacted after the Air Florida B-737 accident. Boeing paid survivors (and lawyers) over $35M , even though it was proven factually that the B-737 was beyond a shadow of a doubt not at fault.

Fact: All eyewitness accounts were discounted. Saying they were not discounted does not produce a triangulation and time analysis summary of how many saw what, where they were, when they were there, and what the observations mean.

Fact: There was no report as required by law from the NTSB for accidents (part of what they were getting paid for) relative to both causes and contributing factors, or recommendations to help insure prevention.

Fact: There was no final report, as not required, from the FBI, for anything.

Fact: The NTSB did not exercise its legal mandate. The NTSB was created to prevent future similar accidents. To do this it had to be given the authority of being independent, unbiased, and without vested interest except to determine the cause of accidents and to make recommendations to the FAA for legal considerations. Instead of finding a cause of this accident, they, under the guise of the FBI focused on trying to find if there had been an accident at all. Failing to do this, coupled with the FBI also focusing outside their mandate in trying to find an accident in the facts they allowed, the entire effort was left in a fog of non-fault, non-accident, non-sabotage, non-terrorism, non-human error, and non- determination of anything that could possibly prevent a future similar tragedy.

Personal conclusions: TWA 800 was struck and destroyed by a surface-to-air missile. This missile was either human-guided, or launch-and-forget self-guided after target acquisition and launch by a human. This launch was either intentional or by mistake. It did not happen without a human hand action. The 'who' and 'why' of this missile launch remain unknown at this time. Some of the obfuscation and cover-up of information was made by known government organizations. These organizations had identifiable people in them who had positions of authority at the time. Since no one was 'in charge' of the investigation, it remains an accident that was not determined to be an accident by an organization that was only responsible for non-accidents, under the guise of determining the cause of a non-accident described as an accident with the self-assigned authority to stipulate that the whole effort was not in their area of expertise. Sound familiar?
As mentioned above, TWA-800 is also of primarily importance because its investigation was conducted as the first blatant, open, and public ‘official’ violation by our Government of our Constitution. It had the same ‘official’ disdain toward the public as the Benghazi video tape pronouncements and witness accesses, “it doesn’t matter now” official statements, passing unread laws, and repeated Presidential proven lies. Fortunately our Second Amendment should remain enforceable by we the people who made this whole thing possible.  

UPDATE #1: DOCUMENTARY Silenced: TWA 800 and the Subversion of Justice


Mystery of TWA Flight 800 Persists, 15 Years Later

THE DOWNING OF TWA FLIGHT 800: Why Clintons kept mum about KSM plot

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