Sunday, June 19, 2011

USA HIGH RISK: There is the possibility of no electricity for 130 million Americans for a year or longer...
President and Congress. Warning events in 1859, 1921, 1989, and 2003 showed the danger that solar activity can pose to electrical power and distribution systems. Now as we
move into another solar maximum, with increased vulnerabilities built into our electrical grid, the danger again looms large. In the worst case, there is the possibility of no electricity for 130 million Americans for a year or longer. The warnings have been issued, but have gone unheeded.
If you are big on taking vacations out of the country you may want to think twice before doing that again between now and 2013...
How To Prepare For The Coming Super Solar Storm

HAT TIP: Foreign Confidential ™: Crippling Solar Storm - Like a Natural EMP Attack - Threatens America's Power Grid, but No Action Taken by Nation's Leaders

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