Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tea Party continues to grow

FreedomWorks is adding 500 to 2,000 members a day to its network of like-minded Tea Party activists...The movement has no national leadership, but “I think we have credibility with a majority of Tea Partiers,” said FreedomWorks CEO Matt Kibbe. . .

Instead of a being protest movement of outsiders, he said, the Tea Party is evolving to become a get-out–the-vote movement that can greatly help like-minded House, Senate and presidential candidates in 2012. . .

FreedomWorks has three parallel networks: the group’s e-mail list, its Facebook page and its new FreedomConnector website, which allows members to find like-minded people in their city or county. . .
Read the whole thing

HAT TIP: InstaPundit

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