Thursday, June 02, 2011

Miracles...and Divine Intervention

My comment (reproduced below) on this video is self-explanatory:
I just finished watching this a few minutes ago and had to say thank you. After days of IV therapy in my doctor's office for a very bad chest infection, today I also saw the result of an MRI on my lumbar and they've requested one for my neck. It's arthritis and aging and I was thinking how the future would be if it means ever-increasing pain (and I don't look forward to a life of painkillers which I do not ever like to take) not to mention how the heck will anyone (especially Seniors) get treated for anything after Obamacare kicks in completely and permanently in 2014?

So seeing this really knocked me out (and your last story, Elizabeth, is something I pray that I will experience too).

I "coincidentally" started reading Pastor Don Piper's "90 Minutes In Heaven" which I find amazing and very inspirational--I'm almost finished.

I don't quite know how to reconcile the Catholic theology with other Christian churches--I noted the mention of these differences in your video--and yet I feel there is value and comfort in all the stories I've heard so far and I don't want to focus on the differences and lose the inspiration!

Many thanks (and congrats on a good interview),

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