Saturday, June 04, 2011

Donald Trump vs. Chicago/White House Mob


Goodness, I am getting slow at the switch in my old age. I don't know why this didn't occur to me sooner. I know exactly what Donald Trump is doing and why with all of his threatening to run for POTUS and his sudden interest in Obama's lack of eligibility and personal documentation.

The Illinois legislature and City of Chicago (Rahm Emanuel, Mayor™) just approved a massive expansion and approval of casino gaming in Chicago itself and throughout the state. Trump has seen this coming for years and has made massive investments in Chicago real estate, most notably the Trump International Hotel and Tower at 401 N Wabash. If you have been to Chicago anytime within the last several years, you have seen it. It is very big, and I'll admit, an aesthetically pleasing building.

Trump is no fool. Atlantic City, New Jersey is as good as dead, and Trump knows that dumping money into trying to revitalize Atlantic City as a gaming destination would be throwing good money after bad. The awful TV show "Jersey Shore" has now done longterm economic damage to that entire area - and that is no joke. So, years ago he figured out what the next hot gaming center would be: Chicago.

Think about it. Chicago is within driving distance of a massive chunk of the central U.S. and Canada. It has a fully-established infrastructure and employee pool. It has one of the largest, most liquid hub airports on the continent with a decent secondary airport. It's Vegas, except everything is already there, and the major ethnic groups are Slavs and Poles instead of Italians and Jews in Vegas. :-)

Trump has two motivations here. First the MINOR motivation. In establishing a new gaming empire in the central U.S., he is tapping into a largely conservative mid-western consumer base. What he is doing is essentially re-branding himself and the Trump name as a conservative or conservative-friendly brand. All of the little old men and women in Nebraska and Iowa and Missouri and Kentucky and rural Michigan will now specifically and consciously CHOOSE to patronize a Trump-brand casino in Chicago because Trump is a "Republican who stood up to Obama and demanded his birth certificate!" A year ago most of those same people probably looked down on Trump as a slippery New York City real estate trader with bad hair who is now on his third model/wife. Now he is as conservative and American as apple pie. Say what you will of Trump, but this re-branding maneuver that he has pulled off is admittedly brilliant. But it is only a mere maneuver. The sincerity of it is . . . lacking.

Which brings us to Trump's MAJOR motivation in pushing the birth certificate and other vital records issue. Trump's plan is to dominate and control the Chicago gaming concession. He is in on the ground floor, knows that his position is very, very strong, and wants to keep it that way. What he also knows is that in order for him to be successful in Chicago, he MUST assert dominance over the massively powerful and utterly corrupt Chicago City Hall.

Trump is no pushover and refuses to bow to the Chicago City Hall / Union Mob machine. And why should he? Trump has the Chicago Machine by the throat because the Chicago Machine made a terrible, terrible mistake several years ago. What was that mistake? They tied their entire fortunes to the single most blackmail-able human being in the history of the world: Barack Obama.

In their blind quest for power, the Chicago Marxist/Mob syndicate put all their chips on a smooth-talking light-skinned black guy who could talk the centrist talk, but was actually a hardcore Marxist plant. And it worked - for a time. They got the White House. But here's the problem. Their smooth-talking, light-skinned black guy wasn't born in the United States, was born the son of a British Subject, was adopted by an Indonesian and is thus also an Indonesian citizen, was raised by card-carrying Communists, attended college as a foreign student and traveled internationally under a non-U.S. passport as an adult, has used hard drugs including crack for all of his adult life, has been an active homosexual for his entire adult life, has more aliases and social security numbers than Jason Bourne (or is that Harrison J. Bounel?) and is actually dumber than a bag of hair.

Trump has enough blackmail material on Obama to keep himself in a position of firm dominance over the Chicago Marxist Syndicate. Every time the Chicago Mob gives Trump static, he can just go on TV and simply ASK about some blackmail-able facet of Obama's past. When the Chicago Mob backs off of Trump, Trump backs off of them. Do you think maybe that is what we are seeing right now?

In fact, if Trump plays his cards right (no pun intended), he could TAKE DOWN the Chicago Marxist Syndicate, and refill the power vacuum with his own people. It would be swapping one degree of corruption for another, but at this point, I wouldn't mind seeing what a Trump-run Chicago might look like. Trump is a businessman and understands that the gridlock of corruption and out-of-control crime on the street is very, very bad for business. Chicago is a cool town with great attractions and museums and wonderful ethnic neighborhoods (and food!). The good people who live and work there deserve better, and Chicago should be a city that all Americans can be proud of.

I am definitely conflicted. I hate casinos, as I wrote about last week, and I'm no fan of Trump, but can see what he is doing and why. This Chicago Marxist Syndicate needs to be taken down hard because it is destroying this nation and the world through the Obama regime. This isn't just about bribing South-Side Aldermen and sweetheart real estate deals in Hyde Park anymore. This Chicago Marxist thug crap is going to collapse the global economy and start World War 3. Millions of people are going to die because of these people. Thus, I am content to watch Trump make his move. The Lord works and moves in mysterious ways. Sometimes VERY mysterious.

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