Saturday, May 07, 2011

Show your gratitude: send the SEALS a postcard!

Received in an email today:

Here’s the address to say thanks to those Navy Seals:

Navy UDT-SEAL Museum
3300 North Highway A1a
Fort Pierce, FL 34949-8520

Though working in secret & seeking no glory, they richly deserve our thanks—so let’s give it to them. It would be so awesome to build a mountain of thank you cards from their fellow Americans (and people from all nations). Please take a moment to write two little words that could mean so much. Tell our finest '"thank you."

More on SEAL history

And please pass this on to anyone you know who is grateful for what the SEALs have done in the War on Terror and who would take the time to say thanks.

As for Hillary Rodham Rodham who now claims that her hand to her face in the picture was due to allergies and not horror, send her some Niacin or something.

As for President O’Bonehead, who took 16 hours to “sleep on” giving the GO code:

His behavior is best summarized:
  • Pardon me while I spike the football, while saying we must not spike the football.
  • Pardon me for trying to jail the interregators who yielded the information necessary to find the terrorist, while I take all the glory.
  • Pardon me for saying the water interview did not yield the information while the head of the operation and CIA says that indeed it did.

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