Saturday, May 14, 2011

Reality Show: It's Over

I've come to realize that we are in the middle of a live coup d'état, a reality show that's been in pre-production for many, many years, but which is now achieving super-sonic dimensions that may, simply, overcome our beloved country like a Japense tsunami.
Akira Suto, a 55-year-old construction worker, said he can't forget the wall of icy ocean water as it pitched him head over heels, breaking his grip on his 82-year-old mother as the pair ran from their home, trying to flee.
"It's over,"
his mother gasped, before she was dragged away by the waves, he said. Her body still hasn't been recovered.

Fateful Choice on a Day of Disaster
If Obama is re-elected in 2012, "It's over."

And it's not just me saying that, either. Mark Levin, and others, have said that more than once.

On Friday, May 6th we learned that
President Obama has officially kicked off his 2012 re-election campaign, and don't Republicans know it. The president is expected any day now to sign an executive order that routs 70 years of efforts to get politics out of official federal business.

Obama's Gangster Politics"

It's chilling to watch the graphics of two parallel dimensions as they play out in real time...the one where Obama's adoring and obviously uninformed devotees worship and cheer him on and the other where serious news outlets are reporting the same heart-rending news of a megalomaniac gone wild in the most powerful position on earth:
Obama's Gangster Politics
Supporters are bragging the campaign may break the $1 billion threshold, money that will go even further if the White House can simultaneously use its executive order to dry up Republican donations.
David Limbaugh, in his extraordinarily detailed
Crimes Against Liberty
followed Obama through the fall of 2010, but, as the warmly-embraced White House in-house communist Van Jones once said: "Don't stop there! Don't stop there!"

And, he didn't.

Our transformational terminator hasn't stopped for a minute. Like a swarm of termites, the Obama regime might leave the shell of our homeland standing for awhile after they've gutted the insides...but not for long.

The campaign (as in a war) is meant to take him over the goal-line when, in 2014, Obamacare has finally kicked in for good.
...the individual mandate is not the only provision in Obamacare that violates the Constitution. It also violates the Tenth Amendment and limits on Congressional power under the Constitution’s Spending Clause...Regardless of whether it is constitutional, Obamacare is also harmful to the economy, medical innovation, and the health care system. Earlier, I discussed some of the bad effects of Obamacare on patients, employers, consumers, and the insurance market.

CEI Files Another Amicus Brief Challenging Obamacare
Obama doesn't "govern" in the tradition of American presidents, he careens between "transforming" the United States of America and campaigning to get re-elected in 2012.

The 2011 Pulitzer Prize-winning Chicago Sun-Times:
There’s one more bit of potential White House politicking worth noting. The president is considering issuing an executive order requiring federal contractors to find out and report the political contributions of its directors and officers. The White House says the issue is transparency, but clearly such an order carries the potential for mischief. Image if, a couple of years ago, President Bush had demanded that private companies doing business with the federal government report political donations? Liberals would have accused him of trying to compile an enemies list.

Obama’s idea raises red flags even among Democrats. The No. 2 Democrat in the House, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland (home to many federal contractors), sees “some serious questions as to what implications there are if somehow we consider political contributions in the context of awarding contracts.”
Obama jumping gun on 2012 politicking

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