Friday, May 06, 2011

The Odds Are Racist

UPDATE: As of May 24, 2011...she's back!

May 6, 2011: The graphic designer known as "Miss Tickly" (aka Terri K) has taken down her blog as of tonight. Here is her last post. It is proof that Obama and his collaborators have committed the crime of forgery and election fraud. If no one cares, then so be it. Leave them all to their partisan politics and forget the rule of law, forget the U.S. Constitution.

Joan of Arc, I'll miss you!

Previous post:

Proof. It Was in Front of Our Faces.


The Odds Are Racist
May 2, 2011

[UPDATE: You have got to be kidding me.]

Here are more duplicated pixels/letters/numbers. And this only scratches the surface.

[This image will be Obama’s undoing. It defies reason.]

I feel very sorry for Barrack Obama. The Odds are against him. The Odds must be racist.

The fact is, when Obama released his long form birth certificate last week, some people (like myself) decided it was time to give Obama the benefit of the doubt. We decided it was best to accept the record as authentic…although in doing so, I also had to accept that Obama is a narcissistic, sociopathic asshole with horrible judgment and the maturity level of a seven year old brat.

But none-the-less, I had all but resigned myself to this logical conclusion….until the Odds started whispering their racist hate-speech in my ear. Evidently, the Odds cannot stand that a black man is POTUS.

The Odds say that Obama is a liar and a document forger. The Odds say Obama has been busy unfairly ridiculing ordinary American folks for asking a simple question. The Odds say Obama is a common criminal and that there is a conspiracy underway.

In fact, the Odds say that Obama presented us with a poorly-made, phony birth certificate that likely came from one of the Nordyke twins’ birth certificates.

Racist or not, the Odds are rarely wrong.

Much has already been written on anomalies found in the electronic image of Obama’s ‘long form birth certificate’ (LFBC). Curiosity got the best of me and last night I started to take a closer look. Like others, I noticed type alignment inconsistencies right away. There are many of them, both horizontal and vertical, and they appeared to indicate the form had been ejected and reloaded into a typewriter multiple times before it was actually completed.

Of course, this could be explained away by any Obot synchophant, yet one anomaly stuck with me. The spacing between the number ’4′ and the comma in Barrack’s day of birth. That space is too wide and inconsistent with the rest of the commas in the image.

Why would someone have to remove the form from the typewriter after the number ’4′ and reinsert it at a later time to add the comma and year? It seemed so curious that I continued to examine the image for any signs that it may have been created from another image of a birth certificate. Logically, a birth certificate originating at around the same time from Kapiolani Hospital would be most ideal to use as a basis for a forgery, so I began to look for tell tale signs.

Beginning at the top of the record, I noticed that the number ’1s’ in the pre-printed file numbers ’151′ were identical. Given the fact that this image is supposed to be a scan of a computer generated hard copy, I felt the odds were pretty amazing that these sets of pixels would be identical unintentionally.

So, I kept looking…I wanted corroboration.

Two lines into the record I noticed that side-by-side, two blank ‘check boxes’ were also composed of identical pixels despite the fact that the ‘check boxes’ were originally hand-drawn when the blank form was created.

Personally, I felt this anomaly was very compelling. I mean, what are the odds that this unique pattern of pixels would be naturally repeated side-by-side in addition to the repeated pixels in the ’1s’ above it?
This had me wondering why a person would have to duplicate a blank ‘check box’ in field #4 if they were producing a fraudulent LFBC for Barrack Obama based on an existing birth certificate?
Most birth certificates would have three blank check boxes in field #4, because field #4 is used to list the birth order of twins and triplets. So, I surmised that if another birth certificate was used as a basis for Obama’s LFBC, it likely belonged to a twin or triplet…perhaps even the Nordyke twins who are widely known to have been born in Kapiolani Hospital the day after Obama.

So, I took a closer look at field #3. If Obama used the Nordyke twins birth certificate(s) as a basis to create a fraudulent one, the ‘Twin’ check box in field #3 would have been replaced with a blank ‘check box,’ too, because theirs were clearly marked:

I searched the image of Obama’s LFBC to see if the pixel arrangement comprising the ‘Twin’ check box in data field #3 could be found elsewhere in the image.

And, it was.

Lo and behold, the blank ‘check box’ for ‘Twin’ could also be found next to the word ‘Yes’ in data field ’7g.’ The pixels are an identical match.

Hm. What are the Odds?

Well, they are evidently very, very racist…

…AND Obama is a common criminal.


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