Saturday, May 21, 2011

Debt collector accidentally discovers Obama real estate fraud (1.32 million dollars in 2005)

Received via email from former CA Highway Patrol Officer yesterday:
Although I am not a Rick Wiles fan--and after my first and only appearance on his show (discovering he is a profound anti-Semite) I have refused further appearance requests)--if this is true it SHOULD be a career-ender for Obama and place him in prison. But, as we know, the Luciferian tyrant is protected by very dark forces...

Begins with "Skip Tracing" [03:15] and Michelle Obama pops up - hang on to your hats!

In liberty,

"The Constitution matters. The truth matters" — Terry Lakin

03:15 starts "discovery"
14:00 starts real estate discussion
33:19 ends the "discovery" part of this video

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