Thursday, May 05, 2011

The coming economic tsunami...

Watching the Other Hand . . .
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - May 4, AD 2011 6:50 PM MST

Buried under all of the Bin Laden distraction was the biggest news story yet . . . and it has gone completely unnoticed.

Click here for the Reuters story.

Treasury Secretary, Seditious Traitor and walking porcine anal sphincter Timothy Geithner announced (read DEMANDED) today that the U.S. debt limit be raised immediately by TWO TRILLION DOLLARS. Geithner indicated this will be the amount of additional debt taken on before the 2012 election - and the election was cited REPEATEDLY as a benchmark date. That's $125 Billion PER MONTH. What Geithner is saying is JUST RAISE THE CAP $2T now so we don't have to go through the charade of raising the cap quarterly, because we all know damn good and well that there really isn't a cap at all. The "cap" is just a Marxist linguistic manipulation designed to pacify the gullible thralls in the soon-to-be-exterminated bourgeoisie.

There's your QE3, kids. The GDP of the US when Obama usurped the Presidency was $14 Trillion. They have already printed $5T, with AT LEAST another $2T slated. That's $7T. They have debased the US Dollar by fully HALF of the GDP and will do it in less than FOUR YEARS. The Dollar Index is into new lows for the move and is hovering just above the huge 2008 lows at 0.7100. When the Dollar breaks those lows at 0.7100, and it could be any day now, that will be the lower G.I. effluvia hitting the high velocity rotors.

Time to stop worrying about fake pics of Bin Laden on the interwebs, kids. Your economy and way of life is about to be slaughtered and bled out on the altar of Marxist Totalitarianism.

Buy silver coins now. There has been a $10 per ounce pullback since Sunday night driven by the big banks in collusion with the futures exchanges. The exchanges DOUBLED the margin requirements on Monday, thus driving out all but the big players. Use this opportunity to buy physical coinage. I use , but there are several outfits on the internet that do a good job. Also buy emergency food if you haven't already, water, essential medications, spare eyeglasses, firearms, ammunition, batteries and whatever fuel you can safely store. Because when this collapse of the dollar happens, there will be nothing anyone can do to stop it. It will be the economic equivalent of trying to stop a tsunami.

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