Friday, May 06, 2011

Another pro graphic designer weighs in...

Stephen says:
I am a professional graphic artist with over 20 years of experience. I have been examining the long form birth certificate. Here is something I have found. I added some straight lines to show how the thatch background design does not conform to the curve of the paper. The black printed area has been superimposed over the security background. The black lines and text curve but the background does not.

...and, yet, another one!

Oh, and then there's this!

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - April 28, AD 2011 8:23 PM MST
A truly excellent comment just left on my YouTube channel by "ottohoffman"
When I first read that the image of the long form certificate of live birth had layers because it was OCRed I did a find text command on it for the letter c (amongst others). It found nothing. Just in case the image had been OCRed but the OCR program had failed to recognise the c, I ran the OCR option adobe. I then repeated the find text command, and it found c. Hence it wasn't OCRed.

National Review Online, we await your retraction and correction . . . .

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