Sunday, May 29, 2011


An event in support of the AFA summer conference

Big Footprint: Is Green the New Tyranny?
Sunday June 12- Monday, June 13, 2011
Agenda 21 is the United Nations' initiative to control the world's resources under the pretext of environmental protection. Employing counterfeit science, it declares that a planetary catastrophe
resulting from human activity is well underway and that it can only be arrested by the surrender of material comforts, reduced energy consumption and a transfer of wealth. Agenda 21 has proliferated countless unelected bodies worldwide that dictate so-called environmental policy to governments, locally, nationally and internationally. With patient, incremental steps, often advancing beneath the radar of public awareness, Agenda 21 is the gradual implementation of global government, often referred to by its advocates as "The New World Order." It seeks to dissolve the nation state, eliminate private property, and curtail individual freedom. Ultimately it envisions absolute control over every aspect of our lives.

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