Monday, April 18, 2011

We are our brother's millstone

Standard & Poor’s lowered its outlook for the United States from “stable” to “negative,” and said there is a one in three chance it will downgrade the U.S.’s triple-A credit rating in the next couple of years. We’ve enjoyed that credit rating since 1917. Barack Obama can cook up entitlement schemes as much as he likes, but if America loses its ability to borrow money on favorable terms there will be no safety net big enough to catch us all.
The S&P Outlook and Obama

God help us all...

The Democrats absurdly tried to spin the S&P warning as evidence that it is urgently necessary to increase the debt ceiling. This is much like saying that a bystander waving his arms and telling you your car is heading for a cliff is a good reason to step on the gas.

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