Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Two things to see in Southern California...

For Christians, there's the jaw-dropping Pageant of Our Lord at the Rolling Hills Covenant Church in Rolling Hills Estates which I just saw for the first time last Sunday thanks to a shooting buddy of ours giving us some tickets (he's worked on the pageant for years).

It is truly amazing and runs from April 8th through April 23rd.

The concept of the Pageant of Our Lord finds its roots in the Pageant of the Masters, an annual favorite in Laguna Beach, which features "living art," re-creations of famous artwork with real people posing to look exactly like their counterparts in the original. In 1986 Dr. David Halverson, producer and music director, was inspired by the Pageant of the Masters and worked to create a similar production, yet focused on the life of Christ.

PLEASE LOOK AT THE PHOTO GALLERY here to see some pretty awesome before and after pictures!

PS - This is from Roy (our friend who invited us) since I was at a loss for words as how to adequately explain the magnificence of "The Last Supper" in the Pageant of Our Lord:
The way I explain it is that it looks like a movie set with people in it and in a blink of an eye it turns into a painting. I'm not sure that is adequate, but it is the best I can do. --Roy

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