Wednesday, April 13, 2011

President Obama's Unicorns

RedState: The President Will Offer Unicorns
In Barack Obama’s zeal to punish the successful, he will ignore that Americans of all incomes have less and less disposable income. He will ignore high gas prices. He will ignore inflation in food and basic commodities. He will instead demagogue.

And he will embrace plans made under compromise in Washington that leave Washington in charge. In fact, the compromises Obama will embrace are the same types of compromises that have gotten us to the verge of bankruptcy.

We can only hope the GOP fights. But given how their deal went last Friday, it is better to hope for the unicorns.


  1. If you want capitalism, you can't blame gas prices on the president.

  2. I do want capitalism.

    Nothing in this article blamed Obama for the price of gas.
