Thursday, April 21, 2011

Obama was a C to C- student!!!

Remember when the big (liberal) deal was to make fun of George Bush's intelligence???

Well, look who's running the country now:

Obama is the LAST person she has ever met that she would have thought would be President of ANYTHING, let alone, of the United States.

So now we are the United States of Titanic just because liberals all worship skin reflectance values ranging from 19 to 46!


  1. C'mon, Bush was nearly brain dead.

  2. Confidential college transcripts and test scores obtained by the Washington Post reveal that neither presidential candidate, George W. Bush nor Al Gore, were shining students during their college days at Yale and Harvard, respectively. Although each earned respectable scores on the SAT college admissions test (a total of 1355 of 1600 for Gore and 1206 for Bush), neither did that well in their college courses. Both earned a mix of B and C grades. Gore's lowest grade of D came in a natural sciences course, while his top grades were an A in French and English, an A in Visual and Environmental Studies, and an A- in Social Relations. Bush's lowest marks were a 70 (of 100) in Sociology and a 71 in Economics, while his highest scores were High Passes in History and Japanese.

    In 2005, the Boston Globe obtained comparable information on John Kerry's undergraduate record at Yale. It shows that Kerry had a cumulate grade average of 76 over four years in school. His freshman year average was 71 and his senior year average was 81.
