Saturday, April 09, 2011

John Boehner: "He is, every day, looking more and more like the very thing the Tea Party rose up to oppose."

Say it ain't so...
Too many on the Right seem to be missing the entire point. This 1/2 of 1/3 nonsense is just a DC talking point and nothing more. The House is specifically empowered as the only branch of government responsible for spending. Boehner is Speaker because the Republicans control it, not the Democrats.

What Boehner has done to make it appear as though he has accomplished more than he has, is to pick up the ball precisely where it was left when the Democrats controlled the House, as well as the rest of government, prior to November 2010. Even worse, there is and was no budget. They never passed one. Consequently, Boehner's professed cuts are being measured against a myth that doesn't and never has existed.

Rather than engage debate from a conservative Republican, fiscally responsible position, he has engaged it entirely on Democrat terms based upon a hypothetical budget that never existed, because it was never even submitted, let alone passed.

What that means is, the only thing Boehner will ever be successful in delivering is the very thing Republicans have been criticized about for years - Democrat-lite. Were he serious about getting spending in line and reducing government, he wouldn't be waging these battles on mythical battlefields that don't exist; he would allow his progress to be measured from a fiscally responsible position.
Thomas Lifson At American Thinker Is Wrong On Boehner's Deal

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