Wednesday, April 06, 2011

It takes a woman... stand up to the sorry likes of Lindsey Graham (and Islam).
Even if you don’t do anything else today, please take a moment to look at the two videos that Ann Barnhardt, an intrepid Colorado resident, made a couple of days ago responding to Senator Lindsey Graham’s spineless attack on Terry Jones, the Florida minister who presided over a “trial” and burning of a Koran late last month. I link to them at the end of this post.
Ann Barnhardt, Culture Hero

Ann Barnhardt
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - April 5, AD 2011 12:40 PM MST

Folks are sending me links to all the different websites that have posted me. Many folks are posting movie clips that they feel apply to me, like the DeNiro "Taxi Driver" clip, etc. Ladies and Gentlemen, I've got you covered. If you want to know who I am, down to the bone, you need look no further than the clip below, which is one of the single greatest scenes in cinema.

I. Am. Wyatt. Earp.

Trust me, folks, ya gotta watch the two videos because this woman speaks her mind: "IT WILL BE A COLD DAY IN HELL BEFORE I BOW DOWN TO THIS CRAP!"

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