Friday, April 08, 2011

For American families: There is a good chance you will lose your current insurance in 2014, and you will be forced to buy government-designed health insurance. Your new plan may not cover the doctor you like and it will certainly be more expensive.


U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers
Put yourself in the shoes of a small business owner.

You own a restaurant with 33 full-time employees and several dozen part-time workers. You offer health benefits to some because you feel that it's the right thing to do. However, under Obamacare, you will be required to provide expensive, government-designed health insurance beginning in 2014.

After crunching the numbers, you find that the mandate will increase your health costs by 200 percent, forcing you to lay off workers, increase food prices and not open a new restaurant.

This is an example of a real Michigan employer who testified before Congress that Obamacare's mandates will cripple his business.

Countless other employers are running the same math, and reaching the same conclusions: How can employers afford offering health benefits under the new law?
Catastrophe looming thanks to Obamacare

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