Saturday, April 16, 2011

5 Best and 5 Worst Places for Conservatives to Live

Megan Fox is a stay-at-home mom, blogger, radio-talk show host and conservative folk-singer.

This is a really great article at NewsReelBlog

Some highlights:

The Best – #1. Texas
The reason Texas makes the number one spot on this list for the best place to live is because I believe it is the most likely (and able) to declare its independence if necessary. And if that does happen, you’d better already be a resident because once Texas closes its border, no one is getting in. Considering its size, it is also the state most likely to be able to accommodate the great flight that may be coming.

While that reason is somewhat whimsical there are a host of other, more realistic reasons to become a Texan...
#2. Oklahoma
#3. Alaska
#4. Arizona
#5. Nebraska

The Worst – #1. California
No state that housed so many anti-American representatives and the entire Hollywood elite crowd could be considered anything less than the worst place on earth. Home of Barbara “Call Me Senator” Boxer, who made it possible for $500,000 to be given to a terrorist group who killed 51 of our soldiers, California is hell on earth for conservative sensibilites. Don’t forget Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Brown and whichever dimwit is currently running San Francisco. (It really doesn’t matter, they’re all clones.) California is so far over the deep end, it’s hard to know where to start.

Maybe the second-graders having sex in class is a good jumping off point...
#2. Illinois
#3. New York
#4. Wisconsin
#5. Washington

(I live in the #1 worst state in America...)

Read about the rest...

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