Monday, March 14, 2011

Wisconsin "Black List" threatens citizens and business owners

Just in from a friend:

A cousin in Madison, WI sent the following. Please join me in praying for her and her husband, all the people in Wisconsin and the USA.
It is almost scary to go anywhere near the Capitol here. The mayor even asked for the police to stand down so forget it if you don't support the union. There is a black list out also if you are a business and you might have even given any money to Scott Walker's campaign. People are getting calls on who they support and if they don't say the union something happens to your house or your business is boycotted. All sorts of laws are being broken, but as long as it is in support of the union....well then it's ok. The paper and all the local tv news stations are left winged. Thank goodness for channel 1310, which is our conservative channel here.

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