Saturday, March 12, 2011

Proof that HAMAS is evil

UPDATE: The media is aligned with the jihad force. May they rot in hell - the whole lot of leftist leeches and Jew haters. Congratulations as they are outted as this century's nazi enablers...

Five members of the Fogel family in Itamar Udi (father age 36) Ruth (mother age 35), Yoav (age 11), Elad (age 4) and Hadas (age 3 months) were murdered in their home in Itamar in Shomron by terrorists who infiltrated the Jewish community by jumping over the town's security fence. The five were stabbed to death.

Professor William Jacobson: But the thought of the person or people who stood over her, and what was going through their minds as they cut her, is just unimaginable...

UPDATE: I had second thoughts about publishing the pictures...but then, so many liberals think HAMAS is so great...

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