Thursday, March 10, 2011

PBS: an inside story

I was surprised to hear about this but, then, I hadn't watched KCET for many years either.

According to Wikipedia, the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is
an American non-profit public broadcasting television service with 354 member TV stations in the United States which hold collective ownership.[2] Its headquarters are in Arlington, Virginia.
Funny, I just remembered someone I used to work with at Universal Studios (when I worked at MCA RECORDS which was on the lot there at the time) who told me a story about KCET...

She was explaining to me why she would NEVER consider contributing money during their very tedious fundraisers that used to do a halfway decent job of making you feel like a moocher if you didn't pay up.

Apparently, she'd worked there before she came over to MCA and she said the top dogs would take long, long martini lunches everyday--she would often go and took naps afterwards to recover--and were rolling in dough.

So, there's no way she'd give her hard-earned working girl's bucks over to them, no way!

Don't blame her a bit and, somehow, it all seems so believable after James O'Keefe posted a follow-up video as part of his undercover investigation of NPR...

Fool me once, yeah...

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