Monday, March 07, 2011

Michael Moore's John Reed Moment

By Gary Starr for the Neville Awards
March 7, 2010
Earth's second extra-terrestrial satellite, or a small planet with two legs if you will, fancies himself a latter day John Reed (the real-life Communist loser in the Warren Beatty movie 'Reds'). He has recently starred in his own version of "10 Days That Shook the World" by journeying to Madison, Wisconsin to declare that America and Wisconsin are not broke, and all of America "stands with you." He was also gassing around about the workers having "had enough." Of what we are not sure.

Maybe they want to get paid not to show up for work like their elected Democrat state senators. Oh wait, that's already happening....they are all down at the statehouse with silly pre-printed union signs and making a huge mess.

Thrill to the latest rantings of our national treasure and erstwhile post-modern Lili Riefenstahl:
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