Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Jay Treaty Strongly Indicates That Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President.

The Jay Treaty sought to grant the highest form of citizenship rights to those British subjects and US citizens affected by Article IX. Both countries agreed upon the one word they knew would – according to the law of nations – serve the purpose. That word was “natives”. Both states could have agreed that “British subjects” were to receive the same rights as “US citizens” and vice versa, but they didn’t.

They specifically chose the word “natives” because that word had a definitive meaning in the law of nations.

In 1984, the US Supreme Court – in TWA v. Franklin Mint Corp. – stated:
The great object of an international agreement is to define the common ground between sovereign nations. Given the gulfs of language, culture, and values that separate nations, it is essential in international agreements for the parties to make explicit their common ground on the most rudimentary of matters. The frame of reference in interpreting treaties is naturally international, and not domestic. Accordingly, the language of the law of nations is always to be consulted in the interpretation of treaties.

The law of nations is “always” to be consulted in the interpretation of treaties. You all know where this is going now, right?

Consider this to be just the introduction. In part 2 of this report, I will go into much greater detail.

Leo Donofrio, Esq.
Pidgeon & Donofrio GP
Old Federal Building
3002 Colby Avenue, Suite 306
Everett, Washington 98201

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