Monday, March 21, 2011

Fulfilled Prophecy

For those of us intereted in the "end times"!

Be sure to read: Our New Position Statement and Future Plans for FP
Our Position:

We, at Fulfilled Prophecy, believe that the end-time study should not be just for kooks or extremists – as it is so often portrayed. It should be seen as a worthwhile pursuit for level-headed Christians who love God, are serious about the things of God, and long for Christ’s return – without neglecting their duties here and now.

Our goal for Fulfilled Prophecy is not only that it will address a neglected topic, but also that it will raise the level of discussion about the end times – by presenting a more biblically sound and thoughtful approach to the study than is often seen today.

We realize that focusing on the end times is frowned upon by a number of evangelical leaders and seminaries today. Their concerns are due, in part, to the mistakes made by prophecy teachers who have promoted overly sensational, strange and unbiblical teachings as well as conspiracy theories.

Yet, the fact that mistakes have been made in the study of the end times is not good reason to throw out the study entirely. Jesus and the apostles spoke a lot about the last days – warning God’s people to watch for their arrival and be ready for Christ’s return. Many of the books of the Old Testament have a great deal to say about the final days. And the book of Revelation focuses almost entirely on the end times – and promises a special blessing to those who heed its words (Revelation 1:3).

Since Scripture devotes attention to the end times, we believe Christians should follow suit.

In order to raise the level of discussion about the end times, we will:

• Seek to develop sound understandings of the prophecies by studying them within their historical and literary contexts before looking for fulfillments of the prophecies. In other words, we will not start with current events and try to force-fit them into the prophecies.

• Build a solid theological framework where “eschatology” — the study of the end times – finds its proper place without neglecting other important theological truths.

• Watch for the major, concrete signs God has given us – like a strengthened covenant and the appearance of the abomination of desolation – rather than more nebulous and speculative signs, like an increase in the frequency of earthquakes or famines.

• Challenge popular teachings about the end times that are not found in Scripture.

• Encourage healthy discussion and debate on our discussion board among people with different perspectives on prophecy.

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