Friday, March 04, 2011

The Best Jobs For Working Moms

Read the whole article at FORBES!

Launched in late 2006, CafeMom is the #1 site on the internet for moms and the premier strategic marketing partner to brands that want to reach moms in a rapidly changing digital environment.
1. Interior Designer -- If you have a way with frames, fabric, and fabulousness, working for yourself as an interior designer is a great way to take control of your time while making the world (or at least wealthy people's homes) a more beautiful place.

2. Homeopath -- You don't have to be a hippie to appreciate a non-Western approach to medicine. Being a homeopath means you'll always have a remedy for cold and flu season and can keep your community healthy and happy.

3. Landscape Architect -- Want to create a yard fit for House Beautiful? Working as a landscape architect can be the ultimate green job and mom job. Get zen working with inanimate objects all day instead of people.

4. Life Coach -- People change careers, spouses, and zip codes like they change their underwear these days. Be the grounded guide for those confused souls and make a pretty penny while doing so.

5. Organic Farm Manager -- Starting an organic farm is a heck of a lot of work, but in this growing field you’ll be able to put your management skills to use by running the day-to-day operations while letting the farmers spend the long hours in the field.

6. Day Care Center Operator/Employee -- Assuming your child is the right age for day care, this is one of those jobs where you can get paid to take care of your child (okay, and several others) all day. Patience is a must, but as a mom, you already know that.

7. Sonogram Technician -- Remember that happy sono tech at your OB/Gyn’s office who told you that you were having a girl? That could be you! In a fast-growing field, sonogram technicians are in need, and not just for baby identifying. But that's the fun part.

8. Market Research Analyst -- Take your marketing or psychology degree and get inside the heads of American consumers and make money with that information. Sounds a little like you're a spy, right?

9. Lactation Consultant/Doula -- Moms helping other moms during one of the most important times in her life is one of the most rewarding jobs out there, and someday will (hopefully) be covered by health insurance.

10. City Planner -- A great city job for the organized mind, you must be able to deal with red tape. But if you can handle bureaucracy, the benefits of a government job coupled with the fun of having all those little models in your office will be awesome.

See all Top 100 Jobs for Moms

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