Sunday, March 27, 2011

Beldar's back!

HAT TIP: Patterico

I used to follow Beldar back during the 2004 presidential know, that shady stuff with Kerry and Carter and the medals and was great!

And this is great, too, and so right on:

Watching the melt-down — no, not in Japan, in the Oval Office
It is absolutely alarming to watch President Obama flail about in increasingly desperate efforts to hand off or hand over the Libyan intervention.

It is like watching someone else having that dream — the one about going to high school and suddenly realizing that you forgot to put on any clothes that day, and you're in the middle of geometry, stark naked.
A tale of two Teddys

From Krauthammer:
This confusion is purely the result of Obama's decision to get America into the war and then immediately relinquish American command. Never modest about himself, Obama is supremely modest about his country.
From Beldar:
I am astonished and appalled at the stunning naïveté and sheer incompetence of the Obama Administration as it stumbles through this. This is like watching a very badly run junior high school student council trying to pretend like they're world leaders.

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