Friday, February 25, 2011

When governments cause porn...

Do you agree?
Pornography and governments have an on-again-off-again relationship. Sometimes the government ignores porn and a decade will pass without any new laws regulating it. Other times governments clamp down on porn and pretty much make it illegal in any form. Right now (in 2011) we are in a period of leniency towards porn, but its time is nearly up. The reason is this: right now governments are failing to defend intellectual property and copyrights. This creates a situation in which there is so much file-sharing going on world-wide that the only way to make a living producing photos is to make porn. Small-time artists who make tasteful nudes cannot sell enough to make up for the huge losses they suffer from file-sharing. By contrast, pornographers motivated solely to make money actually depend on low production values to generate profits. It's when the only nudes around are these sordid, sadistic, and seedy kinds of porn that people start feeling they've had enough and governments start outlawing porn.
Opinion from Body In Mind
Warning: NO PORN...but there IS Adult Content.

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