Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Please keep up your prayers for Said Musa...

Even if the authorities decide to release him, he will be in a precarious situation. His conversion [to Christianity] is now national news in Afghanistan. When/if he is released, he will be exposed to a great many people outside of prison who might try to kill him for his Christian faith. So pray for Said and for a speedy reunion with his family. Pray that he would be a faithful witness for Christ no matter what happens.

When you are finished praying, it will not hurt to send up another Tweet to @BarackObama on Said’s behalf. Here are two messages that you might consider...
Update on Said Musa

From a comment:
One of our church members is a former Muslim who converted to Christianity through the witness of an underground church in a closed middle eastern country. He escaped after enduring much persecution, including multiple beatings and a year in prison. The stories that he tells of what happens to Christians in his country are horrific. He escaped only with scars and the loss of his possessions, but others continue to face death, torture, paralyzation, and much more. In addition to praying for Said Musa, please pray for these many Christians who are persecuted without media coverage.

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