Monday, February 21, 2011

Obama's red flags

Those who question Obama’s eligibility to be Commander In Chief are ridiculed by main stream media stooges and certain members of the House and Senate while decorated war veterans are left groping around in the dark begging to be recognized as US citizens. The State Department won’t give them a US Passport and won’t acknowledge that they are US citizens - in the cause of national security.

All of this goes on under the guidance of President Obama whose birth records contain red flags the State Department sometimes marks for extra scrutiny.
SHAME ON THE STATE DEPARTMENT: The Mario Marroquin Story – How War Veterans and Other Citizens “Born In A House” Are Denied Passorts Despite Having Birth Certificates.
I have prepared this report with state birther bills in mind. Please hold candidates for President up to the same standards as is required by the State Department for all citizens.

Please call on Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn to help Mario Marroquin and other veterans have their US citizenship status restored in the nation to which they have risked their lives in protection thereof.

Happy Presidents day.

by Leo Donofrio, Esq.
Pidgeon & Donofrio GP

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