Friday, February 11, 2011

Join the Gold Propectors Association of America!

Here's an idea for you (which you may have already gotten if you watched Sarah Palin's Alaska):

Become a member of the largest prospecting organization in the world today and get started in Gold Prospecting. Your membership to the GPAA will include the Mining Guide, the largest guide for gold, gem and treasure hunters.

It's packed with hundreds of locations to go:

Gold Panning
High Banking
Metal Detecting
Gem Hunting
Treasure Hunting

Also included with your membership kit

1 year subscription to the Gold Prospectors Magazine
Gold Pan
Snuffer Bottle
Instructional DVD's
Bumper Sticker
Window Decal

Click Here to join or call 800-551-9707.

I just talked to a man who highly recommended this organization and absolutely loves going out into nature looking for gold!

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