Sunday, February 13, 2011

How a football coach and the University of Hawaii proved that the Hawaiian state government MUST provide Obama's "vital statistics" to the public

The author, who wishes to remain anonymous, has (with this post) proved that she is the Joan of Arc of the American "birther" movement (and yes, Dr. Orly Taitz is still the "Queen").
So…Who the Hell is June Jones?

Well, that’s what I asked, but you probably already know who he is. He is, of course, way more important to the American public than Barrack Iguana, or whatever his name is. No doubt the calendar month was named after this important public figure. Geez, *slaps you in the head,* he was one of only 120 head football coaches in the NCAA, in 2003! . . .

The fact is, Coach Jones’ case serves as an accurate case precedent under the UIPA [Uniform Information Practices Act] to our own requests for copies of Obama’s vital records. The OIP [Office of Information Practices] was of the opinion that Jones’ contract should be disclosed in its entirety despite UH’s citation of TWO state privacy laws (a.k.a. Exceptions to the UIPA).

Personally, I can think of only two differences that would account for the discrimination that has kept Obama’s vital records from being disclosed: political persuasion OR the fact that Coach Jones is white and Barrack Obama is only partly white. So you tell me, why isn’t President Obama as important as Coach Jones to the public’s interest according to the Hawaii State Government?

Other Invaluable Case Precedent

Below are six other stray footnotes and excerpts taken into consideration by the OIP when deliberating disclosure of records requested under the UIPA. I thought you might find some of them interesting. Just so you know, since 1989, the OIP has issued hundreds of opinions – all of which support the argument that Obama’s vital records should be disclosed to the public under the UIPA. Here are just a few concise points worth noting by me, and the OIP:
COACH JUNE S. JONES III’: He’s More Important to the American Public Than ‘Barrack What’s-His-Name’

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