Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dubunking the leading Obamacare litigation myths

Cory L. Andrews is senior litigation counsel for the Washington Legal Foundation. To date, WLF has filed three briefs in connection with the ObamaCare litigation.

Here are some of the most common myths being peddled in defense of ObamaCare:
Myth #1: “Twelve judges have rejected the notion that ObamaCare is unconstitutional.”

Myth #2: “ObamaCare is merely regulating the insurance industry. What’s the big deal?”

Myth #3: “Judge Vinson’s decision was a classic example of judicial activism.”

Myth #4: “ObamaCare simply delivers on a major campaign promise by President Obama.”

Myth #5: “Judge Vinson declared not just the individual mandate, but the entire ObamaCare law unconstitutional. That shows how radical he is.”
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