Monday, February 07, 2011

Clearly, the events unfolding in the Middle East were planned and ignited by pro-Obama forces here in the U.S. and abroad.

...there is a common thread running through all of these unlikely events. The following people have been traveling in and out of these countries, busily “community organizing” for years, but in particular, the weeks preceding the protests and sudden collapse of these governments.
■The Clintons
■Barack Obama
■William Ayers
■Bernardine Dohrn
■Frances Fox Piven
■George Soros & Co.
■Code Pink

THE POST & EMAIL: Obama, Clinton, Piven, Ayers, Dohrn and Soros behind Middle East Meltdown: IS THE OBAMA REGIME’S ALIENATION OF U.S. ALLIES INTENTIONAL?

WND: Soros fingerprints on Mideast chaos: Billionaire tied to opposition leader, funded groups opposing U.S. allies

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