Sunday, February 20, 2011

2 Years of Wasted Tax Dollars: The 10 Dumbest “Stimulus” Projects

1. They Really Had to Research This? Are female college students more likely to have casual sex if they have had a few drinks?

2. Teaching African Men To Wash Their Manhood

3. Repave This Georgia Street Again?

4. Spending $133 Million Dollars to Renovate a Federal Office Building When They Could Have Built a New One for the Same Price

5. It’s Not a Mall-It’s a Ghost Town

6. Studying the Icelandic Arctic Environment in the Viking Age

7. Highway Signs Bragging about the Stimulus: 42 States Spent a total of $1.3 million

8. The “America Sucks” Puppet Show

9. Something to Whine About– Paying for Work Already Done?

10. Buses They Don’t Need

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Wake up time: now WHO ARE YOU GOING TO VOTE FOR IN 2012???

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