Thursday, January 13, 2011

Who is actually getting death threats?

Isn't this clever?

Now a Tea Party leader is told to stay away from public events for his safety. Didn't the Left get Obama's message about the rhetoric???
After blaming the tea party for the mass slaughter on Saturday one tea party leader is receiving death threats. The sheriff’s office told Tucson tea party leader Trent Humphries to stay home.
When I was growing up in the 1950's, this lady was like my Mom's neighbors. Now she's suddenly like Satan. It's beyond riculous! Didn't these people get Obama's message about toning down that violent rhetoric?
Palin aide: She’s getting death threats at unprecedented levels
Where were the protests from the left about all THIS violence and hate (oh wait, it was the Left who was actually doing and saying all this stuff):
The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer, 2000-2010
And don't forget: Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years
On July 11, 2007, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Betty Williams gave the keynote speech to the International Women’s Peace Conference in Dallas, Texas, and said (to laughter and applause from the audience):
I mean right now, I could kill George Bush, no problem. No, I don’t mean that. I mean — how could you nonviolently kill somebody? I would love to be able to do that.”

You can hear the audiotape of her threat on BREITBART.TV

Despite the fact that threatening to kill the president is a crime, the Secret Service refused to question her or detain her...
Here's a collection of photos and here's a sample:

Meanwhile, in campaign mode (as usual), our opportunistic president seeks to kill (oops) two birds with one stone: They Couldn’t Help It… Team Obama Hands Out T-Shirts at Pep Rally Memorial

And still, now, it appears that the president's peeps aren't listening to him: Anti-Palin Posters Appear in SF

Isn't all of this strange? They're madly in love with a guy they won't listen to...or maybe they all really know he doesn't mean what he says about "healing" and "tone" and "rhetoric"...

What do you think?

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