Tuesday, January 25, 2011

'Birthers' have become respectable

I want to tip my hat to my friends Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge for helping immensely in raising the visibility of a story WND has been championing for more than two years.

That story, of course, is one the entire country – in fact, the entire world – now knows about.

It is the question of Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility for the presidency. . .

Rest assured, WND has some more big news coming on this front in coming days, weeks and months. . .

I still don't know for sure what he's hiding. I've never drawn a conclusion about that, despite fantastic assertions to the contrary by Obama's collaborators in the Big Media and the left side of the blogosphere.

But one thing is clear: Obama is still accountable to the Constitution. He still has an obligation to prove he is eligible, whether he likes it or not. Future presidents do, too. And I'm going to see this story through to its finish.

It's time for every American to decide where he or she stands: Is Obama above the Constitution, or is the Constitution above Obama? Do you accept the word of politicians at face value, or do you require them to prove what they claim about themselves? Can Obama continue to be entrusted with the highest office in the land when he so clearly is hiding some deep, dark secrets about himself?
Read the whole thing

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