Saturday, January 01, 2011

6 Myths About Oil

The 6 myths about oil all count on the fact that we have not been taught to truly value or understand oil, the oil industry, and the capitalist system that have made them so prominent.

Myth #1: America’s reliance on oil is an “addiction”—an irrational, self-destructive habit.

Myth #2: There are “green” technologies that are just as good, or better, than oil.

Myth #3: Because oil is finite, it will inevitably run out.

Myth #4: Because oil is mostly in other countries, they can cut us off at will and create an economic catastrophe.

Myth #5: Because oil money funds hostile dictatorships (Iran, Saudi Arabia) by using less oil we can make them poorer and make ourselves more secure.

Myth #6: Because the burning of oil produces CO2, oil is a deadly pollutant that must be severely capped.
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