Monday, January 03, 2011

042-68-4425: At the time this Social Security number was issued in Connecticut, Mr. Obama resided in HI, was nowhere near Connecticut and could not legally obtain this number!

Most troubling is the fact that one such number 042-68-4425 was assumed around 1980-1981 by Barack Hussein Obama, current President of the United States and Commander in Chief. National databases show this number associated with the dates of birth 1890 as well as April 8 1961 (04.08.1961) as well as August 4 1961 (08.04.1961). At the time this number was issued in Connecticut, Mr. Obama resided in HI, was nowhere near Connecticut and could not legally obtain this number. While according to National databases there are multiple SS numbers associated with Mr. Obama’s name, this number was used by him most consistently and is used today, while residing in the White House, though it appears he used a different number, while serving in the Senate.

Clearly, this is an issue of national importance and urgency as national security is at stake.

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