Monday, December 20, 2010


From a friend:
Please send this to all hands: A life destroyed by an illegal Immigrant. I cannot help but wonder if Obama will think of his political prisoner over the Holidays. In fact, I hope it haunts him and spoils any joy he may have had. And as well, all our cowards in Government who stand mute, and follow, a man who will not even identify himself. Disgusting!
Semper Fidelis
Bob Rohrer

This is the info given to me about how to contact Terry. They said he arrived Saturday and was being processed this morning. We can't put a rank on his name. No LTC Lakin, just his first and last name, and registration (prisoner) number only. We can send him letters, greeting cards and post office money orders but nothing else. He can request a 510 form if he needs anything, but whatever is shipped to him must come from a company, not an individual, and it has to be a requested item. No food can be shipped either. We can't even send him a book or magazine.

Terrance Lakin #89996
830 Sabalu Road
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027

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