Saturday, December 11, 2010

Is this why porn stars stay so young and healthy looking?

I can only imagine the intense research that Tristan Coopersmith put into this article. Kudos!

Here are 16 health and beauty benefits we reap from having sex:

1. Keeps our skin young and healthy.
2. Boosts immunity.
3. Gives us great hair.
4. Produces healthy sperm.
5. Reduces stress.
6. Strenghtens nails.
7. Improves heart health.
8. Zaps zits.
9. Keeps us hydrated.
10. Acts as a natural pain killer.
12. Lowers our risk of cancer.
12. Lowers our risk of cancer.
13. Fights cavities.
14. Helps us sleep.
15. Strengthens our bond.
16. Makes you feel sexy!

But read the whole thing to get details--could be bad for business and the stock market though...think of all the companies that could go out of business: Sally Hansen eat your heart out.

16 Unexpected Health And Beauty Benefits Of Sex

HAT TIP: InstaPundit

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