Thursday, December 02, 2010

Deficit Commission exposes six truths about the federal government and its spending addiction.

Perhaps even more importantly, it exposes a couple of key myths about the Obama administration and its agenda...
The supposed cost savings in ObamaCare have been repeatedly exposed as mythical, even during the debate prior to its passage. The “doc fix” that amended the reimbursement rates settled that question, but even apart from that, the assumptions built into the plan were always based on the rosiest perfect-world scenarios. We have already seen private-sector employers act to dump retirees out of prescription coverage in far larger numbers than pre-passage estimates, which will create heavier burdens on Medicare. Employers will also eventually stop buying health insurance altogether — especially if Congress adopts the debt commission’s proposal to end the tax exemption on that compensation. Employees will demand that compensation in cash rather than taxable health subsidies in order to take advantage of the tax-financed subsidies in the health exchanges mandated by ObamaCare. Expect the system to spiral into the deep end of the red-ink pool when that happens.

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