Sunday, December 19, 2010

BP Agent Brian Terry is dead because DHS refuses to allow agents to protect themselves against deadly drug cartel killers operating deep inside Arizona Territory!

Must read. Huge coverup underway by the Obama Administration. Tancredo blows the lid off the story and how the agents were armed with bean bag ammunition against AK-47's:
Here's the part Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Border Patrol management are trying to hide: Border Patrol Agent Terry and the BORTAC team were under standing orders to always use ("non-lethal") bean-bag rounds first before using live ammunition. When the smugglers heard the first rounds, they returned fire with real bullets, and Agent Terry was killed in that exchange. Real bullets outperform bean bags every time.
Bean bags vs. AK-47s

UPDATE: Agent’s slaying becomes ‘wake-up call’ to many

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