Monday, December 06, 2010


Rockpointe Courier
November-December, 2010

A year ago October, my husband and I were talking about how much joy our little guy, Skyler, brings us each day, and how fortunate we are to have this beautiful Miniature Aussie as part of our family. We decided that for Skyler’s first birthday, we wanted to get him a companion.

We searched and searched, falling in love with so many, but just hadn’t found the right one until I received a call from a rescue group in San Bernardino. They asked if I would consider taking “a hopeless case”. They had a 2-year-old Miniature Aussie so fearful of everyone they could find no one willing to try to rehabilitate him.

We went to see him, and honestly, at first we said “No”, thinking he was more than we could handle. Too, we were concerned about Skyler being able to bond and socialize with him. He had been abused – there were bite marks everywhere on his body, two of his teeth had been knocked out, he couldn’t jump or run, and there seemed to be a problem with his back. The rescue told us the owners dumped him in the street and a kind woman brought him to the shelter, hoping to get him medical attention. Sadly the shelter put him in with large dogs that used him as a chew toy. He was hungry. They finally diagnosed him with tape worm and he received treatment. He cowered in the corner, piddling or going into a totally submissive state if anyone attempted to approach him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dog that terrified.

The shelter classified him as unadoptable, and he was to be euthanized.

Megan from a local rescue saw him the day he was to be put down and pulled him at the very last moment. The rescue group named him “Widgit”. During his three-week stay at the rescue, the emaciated Widgit was neutered and given medication. Then they called me.

On my first visit, he would not come or walk with me. He avoided Skyler. But there was just something about him. I went back and tried again a week later. Wow! He greeted me with a kiss and went for a walk with me. He tolerated Skyler and walked next to him. He showed no sign of aggressiveness, but hid behind me like small children hide behind their mom.

When it was time for “Widgit” and me to have “The Talk”, I asked him if he would like to come home with us. He looked me right in the eyes and then kissed me. I remember thinking at that moment, “Who is adopting Who?”

When we got “Widget” home, it was apparent that other than knowing how to use a dog door, he had no training. And his name just didn’t seem to fit, so we named him Sonny, hoping we could bring some sunshine into this little guy’s life.

The transition was a challenge for all of us but without a doubt has been a joy-filled labor of love. John and I worked as a team, training and helping Sonny acclimate. Skyler, John and I bonded with Sonny in a very short time.

We were amazed at the love and protection that Skyler offered Sonny and how Sonny received it. Now, they are walked and run twice daily and play by chasing each other. Family time is a love fest of kisses and playfulness. Sonny is a very talented singer and enjoys performing. Both Skyler and Sonny are very well behaved and trained to follow commands.

Sonny is still very shy when we attempt to socialize with other dogs, but his progress is incredible. He allows both canines and humans near him and will even share kisses. Once he knows other dogs in a social environment, he is able to relax more. He now holds his head up high, ready to explore and play with Skyler. They are brothers now, who look out for each other and for us. Our hearts are filled with appreciation for the opportunity to help Sonny find a new life with lots of happiness.

Adopting a “rescue” is a wonderful, fulfilling experience. Please consider rescuing a four-legged friend. The rewards are wonderful! There are so many beautiful, loving animals that need homes. For anyone interested in adoption, please feel free to contact us about any potential concerns. We will be happy to answer any question you may have.

Blessings from John and Jan and a Big Woof from Skyler and Sonny

Posted in the Rockpointe Courier (Homewowners Association newsletter) in two parts: November and December, 2010

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